Sod Varieties
- Original Marathon Sod
Ideal for recreation and family use. Families choose Original Marathon (Marathon I) for its all-purpose maximum durability. (Learn More…)
- Marathon II Sod
Good Balance: Beauty and Easy Care. With its slightly more refined appearance and high durability, Marathon II is a very popular. (Learn More…)
- Marathon III Lite Sod
Most beautiful appearance with least mow clippings. Marathon III is the state-of-the-art dwarf fescue combining slow growth and a rich, dark green carpet-like appearance. (Learn More…)
- St. Augustine Sod
Native to the southern United States where humid conditions do not permit cool-season lawn varieties to flourish. (Learn More…)
- Tifgreen Bermuda Sod
Hybrid Bermuda. Excellent as athletic field or recreational turf. Often seen on golf course putting greens. (Learn More…)
- Greenwave Red Fescue
Greenwave is a creeping red fescue. This species is often seen on unmowed slopes. (Learn More…)
- Pureblue Lite Sod
Pureblue Lite Sod is an improved elite bluegrass blend. Pureblue requires knowledgeable care to maintain refined appearance. (Learn More…)
- Zeon Zoysias Sod
Zoysias are warm-season grasses and use a minimum 25% less water than cool-season turf. Zeon has the added benefit of sustaining itself in up to 75% shade. (Learn More…)
Genuine Advantages of Buying Sod from Orange County Sod Farm:
Our Sod is Ideal for Southern California Soils & Climates
Our Sod is Green Year-Round
Our Sod Saves Water
Our Sod is Disease Resistant
Our Sod Takes the Heat
Our Sod is Durable to Traffic
When deciding which Marathon Sod variety is best for your home, it’s important to know Marathon I, II and III have progressively slower growth rates. The distinction is most obvious between Marathon I and III. Marathon III grows much slower, resulting in fewer clippings and allowing less frequent mowing.
While this is an important advantage, it can also be a disadvantage. Think of turf as a self-renewing surface and growth rate as the speed of the renewal process. Slow growth results in more time needed for recovery from injury or disease. This means that if Marathon III is damaged it will show the brown spot longer.
If the lawn is going to be subject to a lot of play, traffic or adverse growing conditions, then the faster growing Marathon I and II are better suited. Where usage is light and appearance and fewer clippings are top priorities, go for the Marathon III sod variety.
Need Genuine Marathon Seed and Fertilizer?
Marathon grass seed offers the same exceptional quality as the sod. The seed is 100% pure fescue and also provides a lawn which stays green all year round. You can select from Marathon I, II and Marathon III types of grass seed. It is available in three different sizes:
Our 1 lb. container covers 100 square feet.
Our 5 lb. bucket covers 500 square feet.
Our 25 lb. sack covers 2,500 square feet.
Growing the healthiest, most beautiful sod available in Southern California for more than 40 years. Orange County Sod Farm delivers these types of sod to all Orange County locations.
Where to buy sod in Orange County?
Orange County Sod Farm is the answer. We offer the healthiest and most beautiful sod in Southern California since 1983. Buy sod in Orange County today. We deliver Genuine Marathon sod grass. Order sod online now 1-866-775-5455.